Lots of activity _at_ the studio in the last week. Tree trimmers have been hard at work removing some of the silver maples that were threatening to fall on the house. Lots of activity _in_ the studio too, just not recording activity.
Spent most of my spare time this last week and weekend re-wiring everything for the
Pro Tools rig. As mentioned previously, I'm also taking the time to improve some things. I'm re-wiring everything, which gives me an opportunity to re-think some things, and adding some new equipment - compressors mostly, but it means I've got more inputs and dynamics processing than before.
Above is a pic of one end of the room with the
Pro Tools desk under construction.
And at this point, I'll mention how much I love and hate computers. I love the super efficient work flow of
Pro Tools generally, and it's saved my butt (and some of my customers' butts) more than once. Ever had a band play something 5 times instead of 4, and look at you like you're a god when you delete the extra measure so they don't have to do another take because this was _the_ take?
At the same time, though, computers are fallible, and apparently they don't like being moved to new locations. My trusty old G4 decided it didn't want to mount one of its disk drives when I started it up again after ~2 weeks of inactivity. Phooey.
Apple's Disk Utility sasys there's nothing wrong with the drive, but won't mount it.
Disk Warrior (can't believe I found that disk) says it has problems but it can't fix them. Hmm. I can always erase the disk and re-format it, but I'd rather not do that. So, I order a copy of
Data Rescue. It should get here this week, and I'll be sure and let everybody know whether it's worth the $60 plus shipping.